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IDEC GROUP ITALIA is one of the few players to operate in all segments of the real estate market: development/promotion, engineering, investment and energy. Working alongside you, we approach each new project by taking into account all your economic, environmental and performance issues, so that your future industrial or logistics sites become showcases for your expertise.

Discover GROUPE IDEC in video



Co-founded by the IDEC GROUP and XORI Group, IDEC GROUP ITALIA supports the development of these two real estate players in Italy. With its knowledge of the market and local standards, its complementary expertise and its involvement in the entire property value chain, IDEC GROUP ITALIA has strengthened the IDEC GROUP’s international presence after Asia, Spain, Switzerland and Sweden.

+ More than 40 years
of presence in Italy

200 employees
in Italy

1 location
in Turin

1,600 support

A global offer

Land Planning & Real Estate Development

From any land condition to delivery of your property promotion

Design &

Turnkey construction of your most ambitious projects

Energy & Innovation

Unique solutions for reinventing energy and its use

Investment solutions

Investment capacity to support your projects


Throughout the value chainof your property projects

Illustrating expertise

For more than 20 years, we’ve been helping you turn your most ambitious projects into reality. Logistics, agri-food, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, high-tech, we draw on the skills of our teams to offer you the best technical solutions.

A project ?

Talk to our team of experts about your future property deals in Italy

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